Saturday, December 19, 2009

It Might Get Loud

last night phil and joey came over and we were hanging out and phil was talking about this documentary called "It Might Get Loud". the doc gets together jimmy page from led zepplin, the edge from u2, and jack white from the white stripes and they talk about the guitar and their influences, how they got started, their technique and ideas about playing music. it is so awesome! i can't stress this enough; watching all three of these great musicians play together and share in their lives was truly enjoyable. the opening titles are very cool as well, that is one thing that caught my attention. to be honest i can't stand u2, i just don't enjoy their music and mainly i can't stand bono, but even if you are not into their music you have to recognize talent and the edge is very talented in getting the sound he has in his head to come out the way he wants. the edge focuses mainly on effects and pedals for his guitar playing while in contrast, jack white likes to keep the sound true. i am going to start listening to the white stripes after watching this because of how talented and gifted jack white is. he shared his favorite song ever which was on a vinyl of a blues musician clapping and singing, that's it. no guitar. no bass. no drums. was so simple and basic and that is something that jack has been striving to get across in his music. jimmy page is just great. there's not much i can say about him because his talent is just fantastic. he is kind of in the middle ground with effects and simple music in his playing. if you love music, enjoy any of these bands, play guitar, want to play the guitar, or just want to watch a sweet documentary then you should look it up on Netflix of on Youtube; Youtube has the movie broken down into 10 parts to watch. it won't let me embed the first part but follow the link if you are interested:

*favorite part of the movie was the first time jimmy page played for jack and the edge. the smiles on both their faces were just classic; this was someone they grew up listening to and admiring and they were finally getting to see/hear him play. they looked like little kids seeing a childhood hero. so great!

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