Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Cove

watched a very interesting and well done documentary called "The Cove" which is about this private cove in Japan that herds dolphins in and they select the "good" ones and they sell them to attractions such as Sea World, zoos, and other tourist opportunities then they take the rest of the dolphins and kill them. i never heard about this and didn't think that it sounded real bad until i watched this film. first off i will say that this is really well done, they definitely put some money into it. it was so crazy to see how secretive, rude, crazy this cove and the fisherman/etc. are. the area where they select the "good" dolphins is a public area but you are not allowed to take pictures or videos, there are police/fisherman people there at all times dressed as civilians to get in front of your cameras, to tell you to turn them off, and who blatantly yell in your face to not document it. then they take the bad dolphins to this secluded cove and just murder them. they say they sell the dolphin meat in Japan since it is a cultural food, but its not! and dolphin meat has high amounts of mercury in it, way more than health regulations allow! its something ridiculous like 5,000 times the safety amount of mercury, so they label the dolphin meat as whale meat which is something the Japanese eat. they are being lied to. its just sad to see these animals exploited and killed in such an inhumane way and how Japan doesn't see a problem with it. this isn't just about dolphins but about whales too, Japan has been paying off small economically hurting countries to have them help support their whaling and dolphin agendas.

i am real concerned because we need to treat our animals and resources wisely and Japan isn't doing that, heck America isn't doing that, China isn't doing that, India isn't doing that. i am no activist or real green person but i know what is right and wrong and we need to start taking care of our resources. also, i don't like it that countries, political people, or people of authority lying and deceiving the general public to help their own selves. its sad to see people look after themselves rather than looking to help others. if you're interested in knowing more about the movie, check out their site: The Cove

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